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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Things To Do To Keep You Happy

Things To Do To Keep You Happy oxytocin and endorphins hormones emotions therapy music energetic stress releaving breathing


Laughing and smiling, makes you release happy hormones called oxytocin and endorphins. These are hormones that uplifts us as we share experiences with others. Even just making yourself smile will put you in a better place. These are things that make you happy. In this blogpost we will discuss more things that can help boost your happiness in life.

Make a happy dance

Move to music, music sparks joy.With no a doubt there is something very powerful about the ability to freely let our muscles glide into different poses that can convey emotions, thoughts and beliefs without using any words.Experts suggest that by allowing your body to move whilst feeling enchanted by the music can be a therapy of its own – even if you move out of rhythm or dance to your own beat. Dancing releases those feel-good endorphins into your bloodstream whilst reducing your stress levels – basically guaranteeing that you’ll leave the dance floor feeling more uplifted and energetic.

Change your morning routine

Add a devotional practice for yourself. Getting up every morning at the same time every day can lead to several benefits, including; improved sleep quality, greater alertness, sharper focus, improved job performance, reduced irritability, better immune system function, and a brighter mood

Take a deap breath

Learn a stress releaving breathing exercise like five-finger breathing. Make a fist. As you inhale through your nose, slowly uncurl. Sciensists and experts say that deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness. Breathing techniques help you feel connected to your body—it brings your awareness away from the worries in your head and quiets your mind.

Take a walk

Go outside and notice everything that is growing, including you. Reflect on how you are becoming your best self. While, Walking makes me happy as it gives me a sense of freedom, time to think and work through things. Fresh air and exercise. Fresh air and open space are key to helping with my anxiety, plus gentle exercise boosts my mood. I love being outdoors and walking makes me feel free , out to the universe.

Surround yourself with love

Go through your photos, and find that makes you smile. Put it on your fridge, your mirror or by your bed. Physcology studies show that being around positive people help you feel the same emotion. And you tend to have more energy, and feel motivated, inspired and less stressed. A study by some sciensists has showed that when a friend of yours becomes happy, it increases your own chance of happiness.

Start your day with a motivation

Start your day with a positive quote or affirmation. Lack of a reason or a motive, motivation will be hard to come by.So, inspiration is something that you feel on the inside, while motivation is something from the outside that compels you to take action. Inspiration is a driving force, while motivation which is a pulling force.

Wish other good things

Send a gratitude message or letter to someone who has influenced your life. Wishing other people good things in life strengthens gratitude and gladness, opens your heart, deepens connection, and tends to evoke good treatment from others. You experience people and the world as blessed rather than threatening, disappointing, or rejecting.

Get good diet

Pick one not-so-great eating habit, and replace it with a healthier option. Professionals in the medicine sector suggest that healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet

Get creative

Pick something creative to do, doodle or draw sculp with children modelling equipments.

A new study suggests that reativity can help lower stress and anxiety and give you a sense of purpose, researchers say. According to a recent study out of New Zealand, engaging in creative activities contributes to an “upward spiral” of positive emotions, psychological well-being and feelings of “flourishing” in life.

Others things that can make you more happy in life

Watch the sunrise and sunset

Put it in your calendar so that it does not dissapear in your mind.

Pray for someone

Keep a list of your loved ones and others in your community to pray for.

Be gentle with yourself

Nurture your soft sid. Invest comfy sheets or awesome socks. Take a bath with a mood-lifting scented oils.

Organize your shelf

If your shelf ,drawer or space you can organize it and make it look neat.Clearing clutter makes your room to gain fresh energy.

Spread Kindness

Be kind to other’s , remember that lifting others up lifts you up too.

Stay in the moment

Sit down and remain still. Tke note of your current feelings.Let go off your worries about today and tommorrow. Picture each worry as a leaf or paper boat drifting away down a stream.

End your day with gratitude

Everyday, think of three blessing that grace your life now. Write them down so that you’ll be able to focuss on them and end your day well.

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